5 Tips on Developing
a “Can-Do Attitude”

Growing up I struggled with self-acceptance. I felt I was not pretty, smart, and bold enough.

And because of this, I held myself back in so many areas of my life.

As I grew older, the years flew by, and I was waiting for something magical to happen. 

Well, the magic happened when I began to shift my mindset and attitude about my beliefs.

Life is ten percent of what happens to me and ninety percent of how I respond to it.

So, what is a “Can Do Attitude?” It is the mental approach that no matter what circumstances life brings your way, you can make things happen.

It means having the courage to confront uncomfortable situations because you know success is not inevitable.

John Maxwell my favorite authority on leadership states, “Your attitude makes a difference in how you face challenges.”  Attitude isn’t everything, but it is the difference-maker.

Here are five simple tips on having “A Can Do Attitude”.

1. Adjust Your Mindset

We need a fertile ground, our minds, to plant new seeds that will produce better outcomes.

“A Can-Do Attitude” is about having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset.

When we have a fixed mindset, we believe our habits and traits are unchangeable – there is no room for new growth to open the door for new opportunities and success.

Whereas, people with a growth mindset believe anything is possible despite the obstacles they face.

Several years ago, when I delivered my first speech at my local Toastmasters Club, I was fixated on the horrible job I did.  I swayed from side to side.  I spoke for more than the allotted time and had many filler words.  Despite the optimistic evaluation on ways to improve my next speech delivery, I was more focused on my flaws and what aspect of my delivery did not go well.

How you think about yourself affects what you achieve.

I accepted the feedback and allowed the positive feedback shared to fuel me.  To do this, I had to shift my mindset.  In life, we will experience challenges and obstacles – it is our attitude and approach that will be the difference-maker.

2. Have a Positive Mindset

Your actions, thoughts, and feelings determine your personality and ability to succeed.

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can steer you closer to success

Be cognizant of your thoughts and actions. Allow what you think to be in alignment with how you act. When one lacks self-confidence, being congruent with your thoughts can be tough to do.

3. Watch Yourself Talk

Words are immensely powerful!

More importantly, your self-talk.  What you say to yourself matters – positive or negative.

It is estimated that the mind thinks between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day or an average of 2,500 to over 3,000 thoughts per hour. That’s a staggering number of thoughts per hour.  No wonder why we are stressed at the end of the day.

I would not be surprised that while reading this blog post, several thoughts have already crossed your mind.

I wonder how many of those thoughts are positive and how many are negative?

What you tell yourself will determine how you view yourself and your actions.

What you say to yourself has an impact on how you perceive yourself.

You have the power to respond to any circumstances and your attitude can be positive or negative.

4. Be a Person of Action

Let me say that again – Be a Person of Action!

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to get into action and do the things we need to do to achieve results.

A person with a ‘Can Do Attitude’ is a person of action.

In my early thirties, I was allowing a lot of opportunities to go by and hoping that they would one day, someday, come back around again. 

I found ways to nurture my mental well-being, challenge the constant chatter, stop allowing perfectionism to run the show, and start taking care of myself.

The first biggest challenge was getting out of my head and into my heart.

The second biggest challenge was getting out of my way and learning how to go for it!

The third biggest challenge was doing that very “thing” that I wanted to do.

I developed the mental and emotional muscles to do all three sequentially.

5. Self-Reflections

Self-reflection is the act of deliberately paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, an important daily habit to develop. 

These insights provide powerful information on how we could have done things better.

By reflecting on how a situation was handled, we hope that one can learn how to make better decisions.

Setting aside time to self-reflect contributes to having a “Can Do Attitude.”

Here are some questions you can ask yourself during your time of self-reflection

  • How can I create a more positive mindset?

  • How do I respond when I am under stress?

  • How can I control my self-talk when I experience failure?

  • What do I need to change about the way I think about myself

  • What are some productivity habits I can develop?

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