What is Your Leadership Style?

When writing this blog, I have taken the opportunity to reflect on my leadership style. The purpose of my reflection is to gain a better understanding of my leadership style and skills.  Secondly, learn from these experiences so that I can be better equipped to respond to new leadership challenges.

There are many different leadership styles such as Managerial, Relational, Motivational, Inspirational, and Transformational. The Motivational Leader clearly defines my style and resonates with me.

I learned that as a motivational leader, I must have the desire to serve and lead others.

I can attempt to lead others, but if I am unable to lead my “self”, then how effective will I be in leading others.

This irony reminds me of a quote from the great philosopher Plato– “The first and last victory is to conquer self.”  I believe what Plato is speaking about is the self-discipline required as a leader.

To conquer self is most challenging when it is easy to not do the things you must do. 

My favorite authority on leadership John Maxwell says it best “victory over self is so essential as a leader.”

What is leadership?

Webster’s dictionary defines leadership as, a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal.” 

As the eldest of my siblings, it was natural for me to be named the leader.  I was first in everything.  The first to go to elementary school, high school, complete my undergraduate, and later my Master’s degree.  But what does that mean?  Being first in everything does not necessarily mean you are the leader.   A phrase most used is leaders are made, not born.

My Educational and Personal Development Journey?

Early in my educational and professional journey, I would shy away from leadership roles.  In high school and college, my heart would flutter at the thought of speaking in front of the room.  I would get nervous representing a group during an exercise.  I did not want to be in the spotlight.  To help me move from where I was to where I wanted to be, I began learning about personal development

My love for personal development sparked when I attended T Harv Eker’s workshop -‘Millionaire Mind Intensive’ and Tony Robbins’ conference – ‘Unleash the Power Within’

Over the years, I attended more seminars, conferences, and workshops towards my personal development.

Today I lead projects, serve as a member of several committees, and contribute to the conversation.   I also mentor people to believe in themselves. 


Benefits of Personal Development?

There are many benefits to engaging in personal development.   A few of which I will touch on below.

  1. Creates a sense of self-awareness about who you are, your values, beliefs, and purpose in life
  2. Provides clarity and improved focus about the direction you would like to take in your life and the decisions to make that will lead you there
  3. Empowers and motivates you to act on the goals and plans you want to achieve.
  4. Boot your self-confidence as you trust in your abilities.
  5. Promotes a positive attitude when acting upon the goals you plan to accomplish.

Here is what I have Learned on My Leadership Journey

I never stop learning and evolving!  I am excited about learning new concepts and ideas to sharpen my interpersonal and communication skills and become an effective leader.  As I engage in personal development, I have learned a lot about myself, from my mentors, and other leaders.  Here are a few key characteristics I find that is important to possess as a leader, and I want to share them with you:


Leaders Listen intuitively and attentively to those around them.  Sometimes is it not what is being said, but how it is said.


Leaders show Enthusiasm


Have a ‘no quit’ Attitude.   It is easy to give up after your second project.  Leaders never give up!


Leaders are Dedicated to their cause or what is important to them.


Leaders are Effective and efficient at what they are doing.


Great leaders are Resilient and are able to bounce back quickly in tough and awkward situations.


Leaders are Self-disciplined.  They know that in order to get better at their craft they must be disciplined enough to be in the trenches every day.


A leader cares about people and it shows when they Help people.


A leader exhibits Integrity – my word is my word and my word is gold. No one wants to work with a leader who lacks integrity.


Finally, a leader is Persistent in the achievement of all pursuits.  It is not about giving up on the first try.

In Summary...

It is my hope you will reflect on your leadership style.  The journey of engaging in personal development begins with taking a simple step to mastering your ‘self’ and using what you have learned to lead others!

And so, I leave you with this thought, what is your leadership style?

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